It's all about defending
democracy and civil rights.

Why We Gotta Do This
A lot is at stake in this election, including the fate of democracy and abortion rights.

On a national level, the fate of the US Congress depends on what happens in this election. Because of the nearly even split in Congress, these elections will determine which party controls both the Senate and House of Representatives for the next two years. The future of abortion, civil rights, environmental, gun control, and social justice policy is on the ballot.
The battleground for rights is not just national; it is increasingly local.
On both the state and local levels, there are thousands of officials–state and federal lawmakers, judges, prosecutors, sheriffs–on the ballot that will determine whether we may exercise reproductive rights, and at what risk.
Our traditions of nonpartisan election administration, acceptance of election results, and an orderly transfer of power are under threat. The Midterm Elections will determine if Election Deniers running in key races across the country will win control of states’ election administrations and the US Congress. For the first time, the US is ranked as a backsliding democracy. Can we hold on to our democracy, or will we lose the fight to anti-democratic forces? This election will tip it one way or the other.
It’s not a democracy if you don’t VOTE! Who’s your Plus 1?

Defend Democracy

The insurrection on January 6th, 2021 was an attempt to overturn the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election through the use of force and physical violence. Since then, this anti-democratic movement has spread and is maneuvering to gain control of state election systems, bypassing the need to intercept Congress.
Our national elections are run by the states. State officials–Governors, Secretaries of State, Attorneys General–act as our election referees, controlling whether elections are and will remain free and fair.
We are currently faced with a slate of Election Deniers who won their primaries and are running for Statewide offices in the Midterm Elections.
In 5 battleground states where Election Deniers are on the ballot, Plus1Vote is driving voter engagement, education, registration, and turnout. To defend the right to have our votes counted is to defend our democracy.
Defend Abortion Rights
The Midterm Elections will determine whether tens of millions of people can exercise their reproductive rights, and at what risk.
The battle ground for abortion and civil rights is taking place at state and local levels. These elections shape the outcome of the national fight. Defending our rights requires us to rethink our actions for the 2022 Midterm Elections.
Plus1Vote is getting out the vote in the states where abortion access is on the ballot! To this end, we are driving voter engagement, education, registration, and turnout in 12 critical states.
Our strategy is to fight back in the Midterm Elections, but our action plan provides resources for you to join the fight NOW!

How to Be A Voter
All in one place, you can:
Become a Voter! It takes just 2 mins. to register to vote. Also, you can update your voter registration address.
Are you registered? Do a quick and easy check. Let’s make sure you are registered at your current address.
Set a time, date, and go-to address! Polling locations and hours are different for early and election day voting.
Know before you go! Be an informed voter. Learn about the candidates and referendums on your ballot.
Stay home. Vote by Mail!
Request an Absentee Ballot to submit by mail, dropbox, or in person!

How Can You
Get Involved?

2022 depends on all of us taking action. Sign up to work with us and get election updates: